Welcome to the Airline Student Ministry!

Youth: 6th-12th Graders
Here at Airline, we love our teens. This world offers a variety of false fulfillment and satisfaction, and our goal is to teach them true fulfillment is found in Christ alone and equip them to share their faith. Come connect with us each Sunday!

First time? Here’s what to expect:
Sunday Morning — Every Sunday morning, Airline Students spend time worshipping, digging into the Word, and fostering community. Our students are currently working on reading through the Bible in its entirety. Connect with other students before our main worship service and grow deeper in your faith.

Sunday Night — Sunday nights are a time of fun and fellowship for our student ministry. We meet each Sunday from 5-7PM for food, games, and a time of prayer. Join us as we laugh, learn, and grow together.

Events — Visit our Events page to discover upcoming events.